You show three small cups, one at a time. Each is completely empty. Snap your fingers and you can pour a stream of shiny pennies, a cascade of sprinkles, or a cupful of milk. Watch the video to see how easy this is to do.
This is one of Danny Orleans's favorite tricks for children and family audiences. He's personally redesigned and updated the cups of German magic inventor, Werry, first released as AquaCups in the 1960s. Now you get...
- Three gold-color, shot glass sized plastic cups that will not rust, dent or scratch.
- A larger, redesigned gimmick that'll hold a bigger load.
- Downloadable instructions with 13 photos and Danny Orleans's patter.
Or... learn Bill Cook's three-phase routine to produce salt. First you pour a stream of salt. When you pour again, the quantity seems to increase magically. On the final pour, it fills the cup and spills over the top! Watch the video. His routine was featured the TV show, Masters of Illusion. It'll fool you -- guaranteed!
AmazeCups is part of Danny's permanent family show repertoire. But because they'll fit in your jacket pocket, you can perform this up-close as well. Use Danny's presentation. Use Bill's presentation. You'll get ooohs and ahhhs from kids, adults -- actually everyone... every time you perform it.